Creating Boundaries
Source: National Geographic This week has been difficult so far. Right now, I am fighting the dragons. I'm fighting with my thoughts. I'm fighting with my emotions. I'm fighting with the urge to feed those emotions (literally, not figuratively). I'm fighting with my colleagues on a project. And, finally, I'm fighting with my family. But, is it truly "fighting"? Or, is it establishing boundaries and expectations? Am I finally identifying what I need for my sanity and health? Am I finally only accepting responsibilities for what is within my control? Last night was the sixth meeting as a group for Optifast and "Boundaries" was the topic du juor. We talked about physical and emotional boundaries that are put up in positive and negative situations. The major theme that came bubbling out of the discussion was "fear." Three main ideas were the fear of disappointing others, the fear of hurting others, and...