Progress... It's been a while

Aloha dearies!  I know that if I had any followers...they're probably gone with my lack of posting. ;)

For anyone that cares or wants to see how I have been progressing - I have been, but I've also been relapsing.  A few things have happened that I don't really want to share, but I figured I would show some of my progress since the beginning of the year and Optifast.

As you can see - I am doing well in 2013.  I have been struggling the past few weeks, but that's okay.  I'm back on the horse and in control of the reins.  In 2012, you can tell that life was literally filled with ups and downs.

I'll be back weekly (on Thursdays) to post my accountability on all fronts of what my goals were at the beginning of 2013.  I hope you all are doing well!



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