WtR: Day 4: Detox Salt, Sugar, Fat and Caffeine

Aloha, my eight readers!

I'm back!  I am sorry for the break in posting, but hey - life happens.  There was an incident last weekend that would have fallen on this day.  Completely in synchronicity with the focus of today - cutting out the crap from the diet that doesn't serve my body well.

Last Tuesday, I took a shortcut and decided to get a salad for dinner.  However, I passed said salad place because I was distracted and then it was too late to turn around and still pick up my daughter.  So, I decided to "treat" myself and my mother to a hamburger and fried zucchinis.  My daughter did not partake because she is the smarter one to avoid fast food and stick to her rice cereal, green beans, and eggs...

Anyhow, flash forward to Thursday, we are both in wretched condition.  I was sick as a dog all day, she was sick as well - but much more so.  She required going to the hospital for her nausea and sickness, as well as dehydration.  Three IV bags later and some Zofram and she was on her way back to a better color (no longer green) and prescribed to have some much needed rest.  In fact, we are still recovering a week later!

I felt so damn guilty.  If only I had remembered to stop and get our salads... If only I didn't agree to get hamburgers...

You know, you play that "If only" game after the fact.  I'd like to get ahead of the eight ball and make sure there isn't an "if only" next time.

Here's the deal, I am expert at researching food groups, recommended caloric intake, food combinations, etc. for myself, but the three things that will trip me up are salt, sugar, and fat.  Caffeine?  Not so much, because I know who the culprits are...the other three hide in what we could possibly call "healthy" foods.  But guess what, it isn't - not in the amount that is in some of those foods.


I am not a registered dietitian so I cannot speak to what you or someone else should eat, but I am finding what is working for myself.  I am not advocating for a person to go cold turkey unless you want to and are willing to go through the side effects.  But for me, right now, I am slowly cutting back all of the above and will eventually go straight decaf, only natural sugars, and the proper amount of good fats to help my brain, hair, and nails.
Source: I can't read the artist's signature - so if you know, please share in the comments.

If anything that is helping me not eat so much crap - avoiding the candy dish in HR, making tea at home, not going out to eat (saves money too!), and remembering this quote as I am working my way back to being a triathlete...

"Your health and vigor, at a very basic level, are as good as your last meal." ~ James O'Keefe.

What's your favorite quote to keep you discipline and focused on your target?

Make it a good one!


In case you're wondering what this series is about: 40 Days and Update


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