New Vision

I started out 2012 on a strong note, and am finishing it just as it began.  Since my father's death in the summer, a miscarriage in the winter, and surviving the "end of the world Mayan crisis of 2012," I have decided that 2013 will be a fresh start all around.  I have many goals, plans, objectives, and dreams I would like to achieve this coming year.

  • Spiritual: Read the bible in a year.
  • Family/Relationships: Spend some quality time with all of my nieces, nephews, and extended family members.
  • Health/Fitness: Drop about a hundred not-so-good for me habits (and pounds!) and develop a hundred good ones (plus muscle fibers and an awesome booty to match)!
  • Nutrition: Eliminate the extra sugar and salt from the diet.  Avoid any and all fast food conveniences.
  • Financial: Pay off three big bills and save about $4K.
  • Professional: Get hired as adjunct while developing my role as an accreditation/outcomes assessment coordinator for my local junior college.
Now, I know some folks will say "That's too much to tackle."  Each major category has objectives, action plans, benchmarks and timelines.  This is a road map to success with contingency plans in place for "Just In Case" moments.

Here's to finishing an awesome year with its many challenges and blessings and looking to an even brighter year.



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