Optifast Orientation

Nestle Health Science

Yesterday, I visited Kaiser Pemanente's Clairemont Mesa site for an orientation meeting regarding the "full fast" option for the Optifast® VLCD. This diet has a limited caloric intake in order to put the body into ketosis (my laymen's definition - cannibalism).  By doing so, the body still gets the nutrients that it needs, while using fat storage to "power" the body.  So in effect, the body doesn't operate off the ingested shake, it taps into the stored energy, therefore causing weight loss.

According to the NHS website, the Optifast® VLCD™ program is a nutritionally complete very low calorie diet for the management of people who are obese or severely overweight. To assist with compliance the product range comes in a variety of products including:

  • Milkshakes – Vanilla, Chocolate, Strawberry and Coffee (Banana coming soon)
  • Desserts - Chocolate and Lemon Crème
  • Soups – Mixed Vegetable and Chicken flavour
  • Bars – Chocolate, Berry Crunch and Cappuccino
My husband came with me and we have decided to go this route until we reach our goal weight.  I have much more to lose than he does, but he's been much more persistent and consistent in our quest to become healthier than I have.

At his goal weight, he will be purchasing a Victory motorcycle.  I'm not sure which model, but at the last "visit" to the dealership, we were looking at this one:

This baby is lean and mean!  I love the red pinstriping and the bagger option, but I love the retro looks.  I love the leather studs and the red, creme, and black paint.  

We'll see what the hubby gets, but whatever it is, I'm proud of him!  He's been working hard despite our losses this past year.

The next step for doing the Optifast system is to get through the medical screening and placed into a group.  All in all, the process can take up to three weeks.  In the meantime, we are going to use what we have left in the fridge, cupboards, and freezers until we get the supplements.  Once the supplements are in hand, we're having the family over to pick through our supplies and take what they want/need - including the freezer and meat.  Whatever isn't used by our families, we will donate to the local food bank.

Hope your week is going well - I've got three classes to grade, respond to students, and prep for the next class.  Wish me luck!




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