WtR: Day 1: Slow to Anger, Quick to Love

Writing to Refreshment

Day 1: Slow to Anger, Quick to Love

The inspiration for this focus is based on my own reactions to the world and my frustrations at sometimes not being able to make sense of it all.  It is also a reaction to what's being shared in the news, on social media, and interactions with "real live" people.

Here are some of my observations:

  • All of us are either or all of the following: frustrated, anxious, tired, depressed, struggling, and overwhelmed.
  • Most of us are not "in the present." This means being pulled in fifteen different directions all at once physically or in our mind: being able to pay the bills, work situations (co-workers, work load, lack of work, etc.), family (immediate and extended), children, spouse/significant other, friends, social engagement responsibilities, action steps toward a major goal, etc. We are all trying to be everything to everyone at all hours of the day.  The one person that isn't getting his or her way is you.
  • We "hide" ourselves in our smart phones, tablets, computers, and other devices to avoid interaction and to "entertain" ourselves while waiting.  What we don't know is that we are missing that opportunity to smile at another human being, to share a small moment in solidarity, and to acknowledge other humans AS humans and not as an incovenient barrier to your end goal.  For example, take a look the next time you are standing in line at the grocery store, coffee shop, or at the park.  How many opportunities are missed to be a fellow human to another? To give small encouragements by a simple smile or a head tilt? 

How can you remember to be slow to anger and quick to love?  What little opportunities do you take advantage of to share a bit of goodness in the world?  

In patience and love!


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