Irritated Scrambler

I'm stuck in a black hole for no reason in particular.
I have a few pressing issues on my mind, but it's really nothing that I can't handle.  I'm just tired of "handling" whatever "it" is at the moment.
  1. My dad's birthday was on Monday.
  2. Things and leadership at work is unsteady and unpredictable.  (Hey, what else is new, right?)
  3. I'm sick.  (Again, no big surprise since I'm burning the wick at all stages of the candle.)
  4. My better half is on a road trip and I'm sick and stuck at work.  (I've taken off and he's been in my situation, so I'm not complaining that he's gone - I just wish I was with him).  
So as you can see, I'm fighting with myself.  I'm not being authentic or true.  The combination of creating my life into a Scrambler is making me sick.  And, I'm the conductor of the ride.  Who can I blame?  

Needless to say, I'm looking forward to this evening and Saturday.  I get to spend both nights with my nieces and nephew.  I need to be a little kid again for a little while.  They will help put things back into perspective.  Time to turn my life back into an amusement park!

Make it a fun one!



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