Traveling Pen Adventures - Setting myself free!



How've you been?

File:Jiminy Cricket.png

"Anyone out there?" she asks.


It's been a while, hasn't it?

Loads of things have changed and yet not changed.

I am still married, got pregnant and had a successful birth.  I love my child.  I love my husband.  I don't love my bags under the eyes.

I'm still working in higher education but looking to get out.  I am tired of awarding failing grades because the student doesn't fit in the little mold the school wants them to fit.  I hate seeing students that pored over their work, and poured their heart and soul into it, be subjected to such disappointment and no reward/positive outcome for their work.


I'm starting my own business.  Now, it won't be accredited by any higher learning body, but it will provide the same quality instruction that a traditional student would receive.

It's called the "Traveling Pen Adventures."  I have a six week writing workshop starting on Monday and I couldn't be more excited and scared at the same time.  I only have one participant so far, but every journey of a thousand miles starts with one step, right?  The writing workshop only asks for about two hours out of the week to read a small piece of literature, respond to a thoughtful writing prompt, and produce proof of progress on their focused piece.  For example, this workshop starting is a "Choose Your Own Adventure."  The final week culminates in a three day retreat in which we will be exploring the Catalina Island and writing a young adult CYOA book.  How fantastic is that?


But, here's the deal.  It's not free.  It's an investment on an individual's writing skills and resurrecting the love of creating.  It takes time for me to create lesson plans, read the responses to prompts and writing opportunities, and to meet with the authors one-on-one.  This is only the first step to re-purposing a life and course-correcting from the cubicle death.
I'm over this personally...  I am a person and not a rat!

Cubicle death...notice the comic?
It's also not the only service I provide.  I consult with individuals that are writing their first book.  I also help colleges and other professors with their high-stakes accreditation reports.  I also consult with teachers on how to improve their practices and pedagogy.  I assist in redesigning their lecture series and assignments.

So, if you are still out there, and are curious...or just want to share in creating a writer's group or you just need my services- please contact me.



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