40 Days

Hi All,

Long time, no write.  No excuses except adjusting to having a newborn, a family, a husband, a new identity, new....  Well, you get the drift.

In light of recent events and my reactions to them, I realize I am losing my joy and replacing it with anger, rage, and resentment.

Sadness and regret is now what I am feeling as well as a desire to avoid letting my negative emotions rob me.  I've also used the incidents to allow myself to eat whatever I wanted in whatever quantity.  Now I just don't feel up to snuff because my body can't run on junk.

Forty days will be the foundation of writing to a refreshed me.  I don't want to say "a new me," because there are some parts I love and some parts I want to "refresh."  In life, we are lucky to get second chances, but there really is never a new and complete fresh start.  We still carry our baggage, fears, paranoia, joys, habits, ticks, etc. to the "new" place.  I'm attempting an overhaul for my jumping to conclusions, assumptions, and reacting in defense in place of taking space and time, not expecting the worst at first, and asking questions versus assuming I have the answers.

So, here's the plan - 40 days.  I'm not Catholic by any means, but I like the idea of taking forty days to establish a new routine, habit, skill - what have you. Every day will be an opportunity to focus on a theme: preparation and anticipation, goals/plans, activity, and a written reflection.

How will this work?

Every day will be a "focus" point.  This will allow me to prepare myself and anticipate anything I may need or plan for in advance.  This will also be a time to set an intention/goal for the day.  I'll have an activity for me to do and then will write a quick reflection on how it went, how it impacted me and did I meet that intention/goal for the day.

Now, I know that I said forty days and only listed twenty activities.  Some of those items are pretty big and can be chunked down into more action steps.  So, I'll give myself a little grace and see which of those twenty items will last more than a day or so.  
Does this sound like a lot of work?  No - because it is something we do internally everyday - this is just focusing on a small but important aspect daily with attention to detail.  

Writing to Refreshment Activities (adapted from multiple sources, but ones that I know I will do...)

  1. Remember to be slow to anger, quick to love.
  2. Exercise
  3. Detox: sugar, salt, fat, and caffeine
  4. Nutrition: juices, herbal tea, and balanced nutrition full of energy.
  5. Listen to music
  6. Avoid reality tv - because, really?  I have better things to do with my time.
  7. Get out into nature and find the four elements: earth, air, water, and fire.
  8. Attend a concert, play, or art show.
  9. Be a source of light: turn up the volume at what I do best - be upbeat and optimistic without the negativity or being "fake", make people laugh and uplift those around me.  PAY IT FORWARD.
  10. Have more sex.  I don't think the hubby will mind.  ;)
  11. Try something new everyday that isn't food associated.
  12. Meditate 
  13. Spend a little time in reflection and prayer
  14. Sleep at least 7 hours a night.
  15. Stay in the present
  16. Journal/blog
  17. Get a health/vision/dental check up
  18. Read a book for fun, solve a puzzle, and craft with my mother.
  19. Do a service-oriented activity - volunteer
  20. Clear the clutter from the home, garage, and digital spaces.
What else would you suggest as an activity towards refreshment?

Does anyone want to join?  



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