Resolutions? No - Objectives & Action Plans.

Well, resolutions are:

  • Bargained
  • Broken
  • Forgotten
  • Halfway met; or
  • (Insert operative word/phrase here)
I've discovered I do better with focusing on "Objectives."  Objectives have action plans, benchmarks, and deadlines.  They also have contingency plans for "just in case" situations or when outside influences derail and expected outcome.

There are a few items that have been on my "To Do List" for a few years.  For example:
  1. Finish my wedding quilt.
  2. Convert all old pictures, negatives, slides, and movies to a digital format.  Disseminate to the rest of the family and extended family members.
  3. Pay off student loans (at least two per year).
  4. Clean up credit reports to prepare for purchasing a home.
The few I will achieve this year are:
  1. Lose 122 pounds to get down to a healthy weight.
  2. Participate in a foot race each month (4 5Ks, 8K, 10K 4 obstacle runs, and 2 half marathons)
  3. Have "Auntie time" with all of my nieces and nephew once a month.
  4. Create a writing workshop series.  (Online and face to face)
There are many dreams that I want to achieve.  I've read that if you look at a person's checkbook and time planner - you'll see what they are invested in.  I've taken inventory and have made some unflattering revelations.  I understand there will be set backs and disappointments.  The difference this year is there are recovery plans in place.  I have a different support system for myself.

I give myself permission to have flaws and to honor my imperfections.  Therefore, my blog's title.  It's about coming to balance and understanding my "warts and all."

I look forward to discovering my strengths and challenging the self-imposed limits and chains I have created.

Cheers to my inner Hulk!


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