CYOA - Catalina!

Aloha Adventurers!

We're heading to Catalina for a day trip and an exploration of land and sea!  I know this is short notice, but it will be worth it, I promise! 

We will be exploring the interior landscape and plunging into the depths to view the sea. The day will start on the Catalina Express from Dana Point, head to Avalon and catch the Catalina Adventures Hummer into the wild. We'll have a pit stop at the DC-3 Grill for breakfast. After returning from the Safari Adventure, we will take a short writing break and lunch.  After our repast, the deep blue will be explored aboard the Nautilus. 

Writing prompts and exercises will be shared along the way amongst the authors. One-on-One writing session will be scheduled within two weeks of the event.

RSVP and Payment DUE 4/8/2016 10am.  Follow this link to

Please check out the menu for DC-3 Grill:

COST: $407

Cost Includes:
Catalina Express Ferry ($74)
Catalina Land and Sea Adventures Tour ($79+34):$113
DC-3 Grill (~20)
Writing Workshop and Consultation ($200)

Looking forward to hearing from you!



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