Update on 40 days


40 days came and went.  Did I fall down in posting?  Why yes, yes I did.

Did I continue to swap out anger and frustration for peace and progress?  Yes....and no.

Was I successful in completely eliminating issues? No.

Was I successful in being in a more positive head space than not?  Yes.

Am I still having issues?  Who isn't? ;)

Anger, anxiety, and frustration are still present, but not in the consistent manner.  It does happen in spurts which tells me two things, either I am suppressing my feelings or I am managing the outbursts with some effective tools.

I just know this:
  • Life is hard - it's friggin' hard.  Just when you think you have it figured out, it takes a hard left at Albuquerque (Looney Toon fans will love that reference).
  • My self-sabotaging behavior is just as bad as a drug addiction or cutting, I choose to punish myself with food and emotional abuse from myself.
  • I crave and want positive change. I've got a wonderful family and a bright future to look forward to and I will be an active participant in this life I am crafting.
So, here we go again.  Forty (more) days to refine my peace and progress.

Writing to Refreshment Activities (adapted from multiple sources, but ones that I know I will do...)

  1. Remember to be slow to anger, quick to love.
  2. Exercise
  3. Have more sex.  I don't think the hubby will mind.  ;)
  4. Detox: sugar, salt, fat, and caffeine
  5. Nutrition: juices, herbal tea, and balanced nutrition full of energy.
  6. Listen to music.
  7. Avoid Facebook time suck - because, really?  I have better things to do with my time.
  8. Get out into nature and find the four elements: earth, air, water, and fire.
  9. Attend a concert, play, or art show.
  10. Be a source of light: turn up the volume at what I do best - be upbeat and optimistic without the negativity or being "fake", make people laugh and uplift those around me.  PAY IT FORWARD.
  11. Try something new everyday that isn't food associated.
  12. Meditate
  13. Spend a little time in reflection and prayer.
  14. Sleep at least 7 hours a night.
  15. Stay in the present daily.
  16. Journal/blog daily.
  17. Get my vision checked and a dental check up.
  18. Read a book for fun, solve a puzzle, and craft with my mother.
  19. Do a service-oriented activity - volunteer
  20. Clear the clutter from the home, garage, and digital spaces.
  21. Do a creative exploration activity with my daughter weekly.
What else would you suggest as an activity towards refreshment?

Does anyone want to join?  




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